Holders for Broad-Edge & Crowquill Nibs
Both of these two short penholders shown below have a special pen-grip made of plastic and that accommodates nib bodies of varying sizes, including the small crowquill nibs with the cylindrical base.

H90. Comic Penholder. Extremely lightweight, all-plastic holder (no metal to rust and no wood to crack). A plastic collar holds broad-edged nibs securely (except Brause nibs), as well as many pointed nibs. Inner-ring holds tubular crowquill nibs. Black, comfort grip. 7/16″ thick, 5″ long. $2.50. SALE $2.00

H88. Tachikawa T25 Pen Holder. High-quality, lightweight, varnished wood penholder. The plastic collar holds the broad-edged nibs securely (except Brause Nibs). At a bit less than ½” thick, it’s thicker than many holders. No metal parts to rust. 5″ long. From Japan. $4.99