Upcoming Calligraphy Events and Guilds in Oregon 2015


The Portland Society for Calligraphy. P.O. Box 4621, Portland, OR 97208. http://portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org/

April 3 – 28, 2015. Play!: Whimsical Words & Calligraphic Capers. Playful Calligraphy from the Portland Society for Calligraphy. Reception: Friday, April 3, 7:00 – 9:00 pm. www.multnomahartscenter.org

Multnomah Arts Center Gallery, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219

April 13, 2015. Monday. A Review of Ewan Clayton’s Recent Workshop “Push, Float, Glide, Dab: The Joy of Movement”. 7:00 pm. Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 NW 19th Street Portland, OR 97209

For classes taught in the Portland area: http://portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org/classes/

Lists classes on Calligraphy, Bookbinding, Book Arts at a variety of venues, including private instruction by Christine Colasurdo, Penelope Culbertson, Carol DuBosch, Faith Emerson, Rebecca Wild, Diane Flack, MaryEllen Hartman, Angela Batchelor, Cora Pearl, Susan Jane Russell.


Faith Emerson: Celtic Illumination, Zoomorphic and Knotting. Thursdays, 1:30 – 4:30 pm, April 16 – June 4, 8-week course. Please contact: faithemerson@comcast.net or 503-347-4502. Classes held at the Oregon Society of Artists, 2185 SW Park Place, Portland, OR 97205. Cost: $200. http://www.oregonsocietyofartists.com/



Anne Merydith: Uncial & Celtic Knots. Eight Mondays starting April 13, 2015. 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Where: St. Jude Catholic Church, 4330 Willamette, Eugene, OR 97405 (1st driveway past Rest Haven Cemetery), multi-purpose room in 1st building nearest street. For both beginners and more advanced. Cost: $65. Email: annemerydith@yahoo.com


Valley Calligraphy Guild, Eugene, OR. www.valleycalligraphyguild.com.

Meetings are often held on the 4th Thursday of the month. Emmaus Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 1250 West 18th Avenue, Eugene. Most meetings start at 7:00 PM

April 23, 2015. Valley Calligraphy Guild Meeting. 7:00 pm. Program: Graphite demonstration with Jill Overly and Kay Beckham. Paper, graphite, and finger cots will be provided. Please wear a Name Tag and bring an apron.

May 1-31, 2015. Valley Calligraphy Guild 35th Annual Member’s Show. Mount Angel Abby Calligraphy Exhibition. M-F 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Sa 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Mount Angel Abby, 1 Abbey Dr, St Benedict, OR 97373. (503) 845-3345

Valley Calligraphy Guild: http://www.valleycalligraphyguild.com/

June 1 – 30, 2015. Valley Calligraphy Guild exhibit of works by members at Barnes & Noble. 1163 Valley River Center, Eugene, OR 97401



Capital Calligraphers, PO Box 2294, Salem, OR 97308-2294. http://www.capitalcalligraphers.org 

Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday after Labor Day in September, and the first Thursday of every month, October through June at the Community Center of the Capital Manor Retirement Community in West Salem, 1955 Salem-Dallas Highway NW, Salem, Oregon 97304.

April 2, 2015. Meeting: Laura Drager and Katy Bayless – Whimsical Letters



Calligraphers Guild of Ashland. PO Box 304 Ashland, OR 97520. http://www.roguepens.org/

Meetings are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Talent Library 101 Home Street, Talent, OR.

April 4 to May 30. Class: Just Deux It! JoAnn Evans

April 28, 2015. -Guild Meeting. Program: Rick Evans (sign painter)

May 26, 2015. Guild Meeting. Karen O’Brien



July 3, 2015. Inga Dubay: Italic Handwriting, Friday, 10am – 4pm. Tuition: $110, Materials fee: $20 (includes book, monoline pen, edged pen). All skill levels, Age 10+. Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Otis, Oregon. Register: www.sitkacenter.org or call 541.994.5485

July 11 – 13, 2015. Rebecca Wild: Art & Text, Nature Inspired. Sitka Center for Art and Ecology

Otis, Oregon. http://www.sitkacenter.org. rebecca.wild1955@gmail.com. http://www.rwildart.com/



Coast Calligraphy Guild, PO Box 5848, Charleston, OR 97420. http://coastcalligraphy.blogspot.com/

(Though this website has not been updated since 2014, the guild is still active).

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