A Closer Look at American Cursive Handwriting (B3303) by Michael Sull

Learning Cursive Handwriting


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A thorough presentation of traditional penmanship for grades 5-adult. Includes historical background, plus detailed information on writing position, writing zone, paper movement and recommended sizes of writing. The single volume contains both a teacher guide and the student workbook/copybook. The thorough lesson plan guides the user in a straightforward, step-by-step progression to improve handwriting skill.

The instructional program consists of:
Traditional Movement and Cross-Drill exercise sheets with instructions for daily use.
Over 150 copybook sheets in the time-tested method of practice, boasting more than 375 model lines of writing and 1,575 blank lines for student use .
Detailed pages on letter and number construction.
Specially designed practice sheets featuring a progressive format of guidelines to focus the student’s efforts from basic letter size, height, spacing and slant to spontaneous writing upon a single baseline.

Additional chapters feature selected quotations, poems, excerpts from literature and Scripture for further practice; comments on the tools of writing, with special information on the use of fountain pens; the techniques of how to write a personal letter; ten important rules of handwriting; and blank guidesheets in all formats presented in the book.

American Cursive Handwriting is similar to Business Writing or the basic, unstressed forms of Spencerian Script. Michael Sull is author of instructional books and DVD’s on Spencerian Script and Off Hand Flourishing.


Watch this video with Michael Sull on Spencerian Script below:

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